Sunday, December 1, 2013

Don't Quit!

Things may go wrong sometimes,the path you trail may seem too uphill,funds may be low and debt high,and you want to smile but only sigh.Rest if you must,but don't you quit.

Life is all about sacrifices,sometimes you might have to sacrifice your comfort,your finances,friends and even family,but make sure you are doing it for the right reasons,make sure you are doing it to chase your dream,make sure you are doing it for your own happiness.

If anyone is trying to stop you from achieving your dream by draining your energy bank,cut them loose,if they don't believe in you,go ahead of them,achieve it and bring them along.Its your dream you have to protect it.

People can control you once they are in control of your emotions.Your emotions play a vital role in your success,don't keep it at the mercy of others that don't even care,this can hold you back.You wont be fully happy and satisfied within yourself if you have a dream to chase and you cant because of someone holding you back.

You will run into people that wont understand what you are about,its OK if people don't get it as long as you have and know the final plan.Remember whats most important;your life!You are living yours not theirs.

Before you quit,remember there are people who have it worse,some with one lung,some with cancer,some has been told by the doctor they have few weeks to live.Why are you complaining?

You don't know when you are going to go,but you are healthy;you can breath,walk,talk,hear and see,what is stopping you?Your clock is ticking right now,get going,get energized and don't you quit on yourself.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Dear world.

I am human,but that's not important.The important question is,who are you?
The world has become a cruel and vicious place.  

We reward the shallowest,the meanest and the loudest.
We no longer have any sense of decency,no sense of shame,no right and wrong.  
We uphold the worst qualities in people and celebrate them.
We consider lying and spreading fear as genius,as long as u make money doing it.
We have become a world of slogan saying and hate mongers.
We use any chance of power to insult people below us.
We have lost our kindness,we have lost our morality.
We fight and kill each other when we have common enemies.
We accord so much respect to wealth than wisdom.
We give preferential treatment by appearance,making people change the way they look.Making people become fake so as to be accepted.Do you blame them?Everyone wants to be accepted.

We take the weakest in our society and hold them up to be ridiculed and laughed at,just so we can be entertained.
If you are morally sound,you are old school..If you are indecent you are said to have SWAG.

We have to stand up for not just what is right,but for what we know will be better than it is when we look back.

We need "Love" and "Compassion",
These aren't just words,they are "Action",
Living love till its out of "Fashion",
Living love should be our "Passion",
Treat every human with "Nonaggression",
Hate brings "Depression" and opens us to"Oppression",
Love is our greatest "Possession",  
It keeps us away from eternal "Destruction".  

Monday, June 18, 2012

How To Reinforce Your Mental Strength.

Life is a series of challenges and huddles that takes us in phases with or without our consent.But how well we handle this challenges is based on our inner strength.Our inner strength is our mental strength.

Sometimes our inner strength FAILS because we are yet to understand an imaginary book written and inspired by life,called "The Challenges Of Life".These challenges are not meant to deter us but to prepare us for the next phase by affecting our attitude,mindset with series of difficulties our body is not use to.

Strength is paramount in overcoming,overcoming comes after the battle between your strength and that of your challenge,but how much blows can your strength take before it says "NO"? How many huddles can it jump before it takes a bow like a thirsty camel in the desert?

Strength could be physical or mental,but he conquers more that is with the mental strength,because with the mental strength,even the man with the most physical strength can be controlled.

Humans are on top of the food chain not because we have the most physical strength,but because we have the most mental strength.

don't have an IDEA what your present challenges may be,but i have an IDEAL way of reinforcing your mental strength.



Anticipating future challenges makes you prepare well ahead of time,thus avoiding been taking off guard.When you anticipate a situation,you study it and know where it could break your defenses from and try to work on it.Am not asking you to live every moment of your life anticipating challenges,but you should just be on the alert owing that life if filled with issues that always want to break your defenses.
Get a motivation:
When you find yourself in a tough situation,you need something to focus on to give you a reason to keep moving.Without reason strength fails.

Surround yourself with people of mental capability:
As with most things in life,you will become who you spend time with.So,if you want to get more mentally tough,spend time with people that already are.It’s contagious. 

Do the unexpected:
 Part of building mental toughness involves being comfortable performing in stressful situations.One of the best ways to develop this trait is by consistently doing things you have never done or trying things a different way.Fear of the unknown keeps many from developing mental ability,but by consistently placing yourself in unfamiliar situations you can learn to deal with stress and fear.

Mental toughness isn't about being macho,it’s about coping with stress,  anxiety and pain.It’s about running another lap even though you are thirsty, doing 10 more push-ups after your arms start to shake and staying behind while others already let go.

I conclude in Lance Armstrong's words.

“Pain is temporary.It may last a minute,or an hour,or a day,or a year,but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place.If I quit, however,it lasts forever.”

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Get Inspired! (Gerald Chigozie): The law of the MIND.

Get Inspired! (Gerald Chigozie): The law of the MIND.: The mind is a very important tool that when rightfully used could give us power over anything. The mind gathers data,right or wrong and ma...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Intrinsic Power Of Decisions....i-POD

    Here or there?he or she?this or that? These are questions we ask ourself every day and make decisions on which to go for based on priority,preference and others.

Decision is very powerful as it is the bedrock of goal setting and achieving.You need to make a decision so as to have an idea where you are heading.
    Nations and people have fallen because of wrong decisions made in the past,you have to realize how transforming the decisions you make could be:Decisions can make a humble person proud,a rich man a beggar,a wise man a fool,a poor man rich,the list is endless.

Furthermore,two basic things affect our decisions.
(1) Emotion: Emotion is a state of mind based on an individuals interaction with the external environment.There could be a positive or negative emotion,either of which can affect our decision.

No mater what the choice might be,always make your decisions based on intelligence,not emotion.Emotion is only a visitor to the mind,and fades with time.
Exercise your ability to say "NO" to somethings based on decision making:Saying "NO" doesn't make you weak,it most times means you are strong enough to hold on to your priorities.

#don't make a PERMANENT decision (that will affect you later in life),based on a TEMPORARY emotion#

(2) Peer pressure: Friends and associates can influence your decision making greatly,either for good or bad.When left to choose between this two,you have to realize that at the end it all comes down to what you want.
You need to realize that you have mans greatest gift,which is the gift of CHOICE.
Never let anyone that will not share the consequences influence you into making the wrong decisions.These people you see around you,10 years from now,most of them wont be around you and you will have to suffer the consequences alone.

                                          Making Right Decisions

In making decisions we could also use the DECISION MAKING QUADRANT with four point questions:
What will happen if i do?
What will happen if i don't?
What wont happen if i do?
What wont happen if i don't?

Answer these questions and decide from your answers,base on ethical reasoning.

No mater what you do,always realize that,the DECISIONS you make,makes you.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Setting an S.M.A.R.T goal

A GOAL is a DREAM with a date on it...
We all have goals but it takes a principled person to set a SMART goal.
Below are a few tips on setting a SMART GOAL goal using the S.M.A.R.T system..

You need to be specific in setting goals because a specific goal has a greater chance to be achieved than a general goal.To achieve this you should ask yourself the six(6) "W" question.

Who?-who is involved?
What?-what do you want to accomplish?
where?-you need to set a suitable location.
When?-you to set a time frame and a deadline.
which?-identify the requirements and constraints and how to overcome it.
Why?-specific reason why you want to accomplish this goal.

Example of a general goal- TO LOOSE WEIGHT BY SUMMER....Example of a specific goal-TO REGISTER IN A GYM AND WORK OUT 3 TIMES A WEEK.

You need to be able to measure your goal,create a technique to identify if you are making progress or not.This will help you stay on track and meet with the deadline.

your goal needs to be attainable and realistic.Do not set an abstract goal.Your goal should not be abstract or inferior.

Your goal should be relevant to you.because this determines how serious you will take it.Is it something that is not against your values and belief?Something that you gain fulfillment from afterwards.

Your goal should be well grounded within a time frame.It should have a deadline.
Without a deadline there will be no urgency,without urgency there will be procrastination,and procrastination is the grave where opportunity is been buried.

So you have a goal?Evaluate it using the S.M.A.R.T system to see if its a SMART goal.